Look and Learn
Look around you
Look at people's faces
and learn how they feel
or what they're thinking about
look at models
and learn about things
that are too big or too small to see
Look at clothes
and learn something about the people
who are wearing them
Look at special marks and symbols
and learn what they stand for
and how they're used
Look at pictures
and learn how people lived and looked
a long time ago
keep your eyes open
because you're surrounded
by people and pictures
colors and clothes
shapes and marks
materials and more things
that you can look at and learn from
without even reading or hearing a word
Keep your eyes open - Look and learm
ان علينا معرفة معني الاشياء، العلامات، الالوان، وجوه البشر وما تحمله من مشاعر، الصور، الخامات، بل وحتي الفراغ فقط بالنظر دون حاجة لان نتكلم او نستمع الي كلمة واحدة
فقط علينا التأمل في المعاني دون حاجة لكلمات
ليست هناك تعليقات:
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